I gotta get on that internet, I’m late on everything! Jerry Seinfeld
With about 500+ products in 160 categories, BushfireStore needed a do-over that was clean-coded, easy to use, and easy to maintain. Things should work as dynamically as possible without manually double-handling everything with every new product update.
It was a long journey in UI/UX discussions, reorganizing everything, and figuring out the best implementations of every little tidbit of the wide range of products.
Utilizing the dynamic powers of WordPress, Woocommerce (now Woo), and ACF Pro, the whole website was specifically built to be easy to update content. Editing the category directly will propagate the changes everywhere it's needed. The same goes for products. One edit to a product attribute will affect every instance it is referenced.
Many of the users/customers of this site are out in rural areas, where their main computer is their mobile phone, and reception is often limited to 3G.
We took extra care to make the mobile experience as smooth and clear as possible.
Although this project was built in Breakdance and ACF pro, the large amount of custom functionality that required custom code made this a highly advanced build.
Most of the functionality was achieved outside of regular builder features, but the fact that the builder allowed such complex conditions, loops, fields, and queries was the reason we were happy to stick with Breakdance, and it has really done an amazing job.